Sunday, April 17, 2011

Standard 3: Planning and Instruction

Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students

Christopher DeLuca
BOCES Student Name: Raven Williams
Lab day and time: Friday @ 12:40-1:40
Semester and year:  Spring 2010

A.    Present Level of Performance
My BOCES student is Raven Williams who is a 5 year old boy who attends BOCES.  Raven is very shy and quiet until we start getting into activities.  Raven does not speak unless he is spoken to, but I can tell Raven is having fun because he giggles and laughs during the activities.  Raven gets very excited to run around and likes to touch small objects such as beanbags.  Our lab setting is in the gym where I enclose an area with cones where Raven and I play our activities.  Raven was assessed during his activities, which included locomotors skills from the TGMD2 assessment tool.  Raven and I have only met one time this semester; therefore next class there will be further assessment to finish the TDMD2.
Affective:  In the affective domain Raven is very good for the most part.  Raven listens very well and shows respect to me at all times.  Whenever I ask Raven to do something he is always willing to give his best in the activity.  Once in a while Raven gets off task with losing focus on the activity, but I think that this is normal for any 5 year old.  Raven likes to play with objects while sitting down and sometimes this distracts him from the activity at hand.  During the beanbag toss instead of tossing the beanbags, Raven will like to sit down and stack the beanbags.  Now that I know this I can use activities to this benefit and work on fine motor skills.  Raven never questions what we are doing in class and always seems to be having fun and giving his best.
Psychomotor: Raven in the psychomotor domain is not very strong.  When Raven runs he is very hunched over and always keeps his arms at his side.  Raven also needs to work on his throwing and kicking.  When Raven throws he does not step and when I get him to step he will only step with the same foot as the throwing arm.  On Raven’s kick he does not really kick the ball.  When Raven tries to kick he ends up just bumping into the ball and the ball will barely move.  When Raven tries to hop and jump he does not leave the ground.  During the activities Raven will end up walking or running when we are doing jumping or hoping activities.  Raven’s strength is that he can run fast, but just not properly.  With all this being said I do not think that Raven learning the proper way to perform these locomotors skills is unrealistic
Cognitive: Raven is pretty even matched with strengths and weaknesses in the cognitive domain.  Raven understands what to try to do when I ask him to throw, kick, run and he performs these movements to the best of his abilities.  They may not be perfect, but I think that he understands what is he trying to do.  With the jump and hop I think Raven needs a lot of help to understand that he needs to get elevation on these movements.  I do not think that these goals are out of reach for Raven and this class will greatly benefit him.
3. I believe that it would affect Raven negatively if he was in the general physical education class.  Raven needs one on one or a small class to be able to have a positive experience.  Raven gets off task very easily if someone is not there to move him along every step of the way.  Raven is not ready to be running around in general physical education class.  I think that it would be to hard for him to keep up and he would not succeed in the class.  In game play Raven would not do very well which will not help him with his skills and will hurt his self esteem.  If Raven improves and his able to stay focused and improves a great amount physically I would then rethink about placing him in the general physical education class.  Right now Raven is not ready for the class and the most beneficial thing for Raven will be adapted physical education.

B.    Long term Goals and Short term objectives

Cognitive Goal:  Raven is to be able to differentiate different locomotor movements and understand what each movement entails.  When Raven is told to skip, hop, jump, gallop, slide or run he will understand the mechanics of each movement and will be able to differentiate each movement from one another.
1.     Short-term objective:  By the end of the semester Raven will be able to attempt the correct locomotor movement when asked at least 3 out of 5 times.
2.     Short-term objective: By the end of the semester Raven will be able to recite the cues for any of locomotor movements when asked at least 2 out of 3 times.
Affective Goal:  Raven will be able to follow direction at all times.  Raven will also give his best efforts during the class time and try to better himself at the skills that he is learning.
1.     Short-term objective:  By the end of March Raven will listen to directions that are given to him with out having to use one prompt.
2.     Short term objective:  By the end of the semester Raven will understand what is expected of him and respect the teacher at all times with out having to use one prompt.
Motor Goal:  Raven will be able to use all locomotor skills eventually.  Raven will be able to run, slide, hop, skip, jump and gallop with good form.  Raven will also be able to throw and kick as he gets older.  I see Raven being able to use walking or running as a great physical activity for him.  Raven will be able to use walking, which will eventually lead to outdoor hiking.  I see outdoor hiking or orienteering as a great activity for Raven in the long run.  I think that this will very fun for him to get out into the open and a great work out.
1.     Short term objective:  By the end of the semester Raven will be able to skip with correct for at least 3 out of 5 times.
2.     Short term objective: By the of the semester Raven will be able to throw a tennis ball at a target with correct form and hit the target at least 2 out of 5 times.

C.    Health Considerations:  Raven is still not ready for regular physical education class.  Emotionally Raven is not ready because he has a hard time communicating in his class.  Raven has a hard time communicating and I believe that he could be hurt emotionally by him classmates in the regular setting.  Physically I do not think Raven is ready either.  His form in all locomotor skills is off and he does not understand many directions.  I believe that he could hurt himself or others in a regular class and until major improvement the adapted PE.

D.   Behavioral Considerations:  When dealing with Raven directions has to be to the point, but not to confusing.  If specific directions are not given Raven will get off task and wonder off to do whatever he feels like doing.  When directions are given the instructor must bend down to his level, make eye contact and check for understanding to have the activities run smoothly.  Raven also needs a lot of attention to complete the activities.  If Raven is not told what to do throughout the activity he will get off task and not complete what he is told.

E.    Accommodations, Modifications and Services:  Raven is in the physical education setting.  The equipment used for Raven’s success in the hour-long session of physical education is all from the Cortland equipment room.  Raven will use soft foam balls instead of hard ones, he will be using the Velcro catch gloves for easy catching and use a kick ball instead of a basketball for dribbling.  This allows Raven to perform the same skills, but makes it easier for him by using different equipment.  Also during the session there will be targets used for throwing that they will be SpongeBob targets because Raven likes SpongeBob.  This makes it easier to get him to hit the target with the ball.  Raven does not need anything speech therapy or occupational therapy; Raven only needs modified equipment to make the activities easier for him to complete.

F.    Projected starting date for services and modifications along with anticipated frequency, location and duration of those services and modifications: Raven Williams will be receiving instruction in physical education class on SUNY Cortland campus once a week on Fridays @ 12:40 for one hour.  This will be held in the spring semester in year 2010.

G.   Instructional Strategies:  One adaptation to my teaching style is that I only have the equipment that I am using for that particular activity out and in sight.  I keep the other equipment for the other activities hidden or away where Raven does not notice them.  If Raven sees other equipment he sometimes gets off task and starts using the wrong equipment for the activity.  Another adaptation is that I give very clear instruction with simple cues.  I have to give very clear and direct instruction to Raven so that he knows exactly what is expected of him.  If Raven does not know what to do he will get off task and end up not completing his activity.  The third adaptation that I use is that I create very big visual aids.  For instance for the target throwing I used SpongeBob targets to get Raven motivated.  I would normally use cool or intriguing targets for other students, but for Raven I have to.  I have to keep Raven completely motivated and interested or he will not complete or even try to do his tasks.

H.   Provide a Statement regarding assessment:  Raven’s skills will be measured by the TDMD2 assessment tool.  Raven will be measured in the beginning of the semester and the end of the semester to show his improvement.  Raven’s parents can be shown his assessments and improvements by being giving a copy of the completed TGMD2.

I.      Provide a statement of transition services needs of your student as he/she progresses from age 16 into adulthood:  I believe as Raven gets older and gets into his adult years that he will be physically educated enough to be active on his own.  Raven will be able to walk and run and I believe that he will find outdoor walking or hiking a very good activity for himself.  I believe Raven will need supervision on these hikes or walks, but will get better to be able to complete every day tasks such as walking to the store to get milk.  I believe Raven will need an aid until the time he has graduated high school and then still need supervision, but he will have acquired enough skills to be physically active on his own.